All donations are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated by MHPCA. Your contribution goes toward education, research and development for hospice staff, patients and patients families across the state of Missouri. Missouri Hospice & Palliative Care Association represents over 100 licensed hospice programs serving Missouri patients and families. Missouri hospices help serve more than 41,234 patients.
Through your donation, the Missouri Hospice & Palliative Care Association provides education for hospice nurses, medical directors, social workers, chaplains, and volunteers to maintain high quality of care for hospice patients and their families. It provides funds for research and development projects such as EDNA, the Medicaid Project and the Prison Hospice Training Program.
Hospice is a philosophy of care that accepts death as a natural part of life. When death is inevitable, hospice seeks neither to hasten nor postpone it.
Hospice provides a community-centered, patient and family focused, cost-effective way of humanely caring for terminally ill persons. Hospice provides care that establishes pain control and symptom control as appropriate clinical goals and understands that psychological and spiritual pain is as significant as physical pain.
501(c)3 Tax Exempt ID 43-1213065
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